Yoga and Sleep: All About the Benefits of Yoga for Sleep

Yoga and Sleep


 – Sleep problems: the different causes

 – Yoga and sleep: many benefits

 – Which yoga practice for a night of good sleep?

 Yoga can be practiced for its benefits in a global approach (balance of body and mind) or with a particular objective:

 – yoga for the back or yoga and sleep,

 – yoga to lose weight or yoga for the eyes.

 Sleep problems: the different causes

Yoga and Sleep

 Several sleep problems can lead to the practice of yoga:

 – insomnia,

 – problems falling asleep,

 – the night awakenings,

 – an agitated sleep,

 – tiredness rises after a night of 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

 These problems, temporary or persistent, can have different origins:

 – a state of stress or temporary nervousness,

 – a diet that is too rich with the evening meal,

 – deficiencies in certain minerals/oligo-elements (e.g., magnesium),

 – withdrawal from sleeping pills,

 – the side effects of certain medications,

 – an underlying illness, etc.

 Caution! Unusual fatigue should be reported to a doctor.

 Yoga and sleep: many benefits

Yoga and Sleep

 Start practicing yoga only after a medical check-up and your doctor’s agreement. Once the doctor has diagnosed the underlying problem, we can :

 – act on the causes, when possible,

 – start a yoga practice gently.

 Yoga can indeed have excellent repercussions on overall health:

 – mental relaxation: emotional letting go, letting go of recurring negative thoughts,

 – Muscular relaxation: the relaxation phase in a yoga session allows the release of muscles that are often “under tension” in an unconscious way,

 – back relaxation: the entire skeleton benefits from yoga, especially the spine. You will also get a better quality of sleep by eliminating back tension.

 Which yoga practice for a night of good sleep?

Yoga and Sleep

 The important thing is to find the type of yoga that corresponds to our needs. We can choose between different yogas:


Yoga and Sleep

Yoga nidra (sleep yoga)

– Combines gentle exercises, relaxation, visualization, and breathing.
– Contrary to what the name suggests, this yoga will not put you to sleep, but rather it is about achieving total relaxation and reaching a state between wakefulness and sleep, known as waking sleep.
– On the other hand, this form of yoga in the evening will have excellent repercussions afterward on the quality of sleep.

Hatha yoga session

– Use certain postures (asanas), except for specific contraindications formulated by your doctor.
– The pincer posture and the candle posture are known to significantly improve the quality of sleep.
– If the Candle posture is not appropriate, one can simply sit facing a wall, then put the feet along the wall, the back flat on the ground forming a square with the legs.

Total relaxation session

– Very easy to do at any time to relax.
– Lie on the floor, arms and feet slightly turned outwards.
– This is the posture known as the Corpse (Savasana), which is excellent for mental emptying, meditation, breathing slowly and deeply, and letting go of all tension inside the body.

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