If we analyze the amount of food we eat each day from a nutritional perspective, breakfast should be the largest, and dinner the most simple. This is a healthy eating program. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but most people eat little and unhealthy breakfast which is particularly serious when it comes to children. Here are 8 tips to help you have a healthy breakfast for a day full of energy!
1) What Is Breakfast For?
Breakfast gives us the energy and calories we need most of the day. Many people limit themselves to drinking coffee or herbal teas that have no nutritional value whatsoever. However, breakfast helps us:
-Include the nutritional contributions our body needs at the beginning of the day.
-Balance your intake if lunch is unhealthy.
-Prevent eating disorders such as obesity and overweight.
-Improve physical and intellectual performance.
2) What Should Breakfast Be Made Of?
Take a look at this list:
-1 glass of milk, fresh yogurt, or a portion of cheese.
-Breakfast cereals, wholemeal bread, homemade pastries.
-Natural fruit or juice.
-Eggs, ham, nuts.
3) Have a Non-Traditional Breakfast
In reality, although there are some dietary guidelines about the composition, it doesn’t always have to be the traditional breakfast. If there was anything left over from last night’s dinner and everyone liked it, there’s nothing wrong with adopting some portions to breakfast. Also, an unconventional breakfast can be fun and better suited for the day.
4) Include Fats: A New Trend in Healthy Breakfast
Fats, yes, but healthy. While a portion of fatty fish wouldn’t be very tasty for breakfast, fatty acids can also be found in other healthy breakfast products. Include these vegetable fats: avocados, seeds, nuts, olives, legumes such as soybeans and peanuts. To supplement the protein content, add eggs to the breakfast.
5) Creativity
We almost always have breakfast in a hurry, and each time we sip in the coffee without even sitting at the table. In the early morning, nobody has time to have a quiet breakfast, which is a problem. The most important meal of the day goes unnoticed. But with a little creativity, you can make the family eat a healthy breakfast. A detail at the breakfast table, like a peeled fruit tray with syrup on it or a bowl of cereals and honey, can tempt more than one.
6) Be Proactive
An option that is becoming more and more fashionable is to prepare breakfast the night before to avoid leaving home with nothing in your stomach due to lack of time. For instance, taking advantage of oatmeal’s versatility in the kitchen is an excellent option to prepare breakfast the night before. You can either make porridge or an overnight meal with yogurt and store it in the fridge.
7) Use Superfood
Superfood is a new trend in nutrition. When included in breakfast, it offers energy and a positive attitude. Try these recipes: oatmeal porridge with apple and cinnamon, energy shake of banana and cocoa, fruit bowl with flax seeds, green tea with seed bread and honey, or orange juice with alfalfa sprouts.
8) Take Your Time
In general, it is crucial to have time for each meal and not to swallow abruptly any food and contribute to good digestion. This also helps to generate a greater feeling of satiety. Moreover, for breakfast, getting up in time to prepare it and enjoying it quietly for 15 or 20 minutes is one of the best ways to start the day with full energy.
Are these tips for a healthy breakfast useful to you? Put them into practice now!