4 Essential Steps to Prepare for Pregnancy



    – Step 1: Get a medical check-up to prepare for your pregnancy

    – Step 2: Stop harmful substances before you get pregnant

    – Step 3: Eat Healthy and Manage Stress to Prepare for Pregnancy

    – Step 4: Find out what you need to do to prepare for your pregnancy

Your desire to have a child is solidified, and you want to get pregnant now. While the wait can vary greatly, there are many factors to consider now. Here’s how to prepare for a pregnancy: a medical check-up, stopping toxic substances, a healthier lifestyle, and a timetable to plan ahead.

1. Get a medical check-up to prepare for your pregnancy

For the health of your unborn child as well as for your own, a complete medical check-up is necessary to prepare for a pregnancy.

Medical history

Your general practitioner or your gynecologist will be able to perform a medical check-up before your pregnancy. Certain illnesses should be considered (diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, epilepsy, asthma…).

Hereditary and genetic diseases are sometimes to be followed closely in children. This is particularly the case for Down Syndrome. It is also important to review your medical history and that of your family.

It is also essential to keep your vaccinations up to date to avoid any serious infection.

Note: your lifestyle will also be reviewed. Your consumption, your physical activity, your work, or your place of living are all factors that can interfere with your pregnancy.

Examinations to go further

Your doctor may prescribe various medical tests depending on the risks and doubts.

    – A blood test to do a hormonal or blood test.

    – A urinalysis to rule out urinary tract infections that could jeopardize the pregnancy.

    – A screening test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or blood-borne infections.

    – A toxoplasmosis immunization test.

    – Genetic testing.

Dental check-up

Dental infections are entry points for many dangerous germs during pregnancy. If you become pregnant, hormonal changes make your mouth more susceptible to developing such infections.

A dental check-up is highly recommended to prepare for your pregnancy. Make an appointment with your dentist, who will inspect the condition of your gums and teeth. Infections must be treated systematically.

Taking folic acid

Folic acid is a vitamin that will be prescribed to you if you want to become pregnant, but also during pregnancy. Supplementing it helps prevent problems with the closure of the neural tube during the formation of the child (Spina bifida).

Important: do not take this prescription lightly: a small vitamin tablet can prevent major problems.

2. Stop taking harmful substances before you get pregnant


Many substances are harmful to your unborn child. You need to re-evaluate your habits and drug use.

Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs

Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs can significantly affect the development of your unborn child. To prepare for your pregnancy, you must stop using these harmful substances. Withdrawal aids exist and are covered by Health Insurance. If you are suffering from an advanced addiction, do not hesitate to consult an addictologist.

Incompatible drugs and food supplements

Like drugs, many medications and dietary supplements are incompatible with pregnancy and are said to be teratogenic. They can cause malformations in your unborn child. Over-the-counter medications such as certain anti-inflammatory drugs or cold remedies are, of course, included in this category, which is why it is essential that you systematically ask your pharmacist for advice before taking them, mentioning your desire to become pregnant.

Important: using plants and natural remedies, phytotherapy, or aromatherapy may seem benign to you. However, your future child may suffer seriously from them. Always ask your pharmacist for advice.

Treatments for chronic illnesses should be systematically reviewed with your general practitioner or a specialist, some of which can be replaced to present less risk. Treatments to be re-evaluated quickly are:

    – certain anti-epileptic drugs, such as sodium valproate

    – drugs used for progressive diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis…

    – anti-cancer drugs;

    – anti-migraine drugs derived from ergot;

    – certain antibiotics;

    – tretinoin-based anti-acne drugs and acitretin-based anti-psoriatics;

    – Converting enzyme inhibitors (CEIs) for high blood pressure;

    – some antiarrhythmics;

    – some antidepressants.

3. Eat right and manage your stress to prepare for pregnancy

While this advice applies to everyone, it is even more important for a woman who wants to conceive.

Eat a healthy diet

Your unborn child will get nutrients from your meals. It needs a healthy diet to develop, and you must avoid deficiencies.

Eating a balanced diet is also essential for you: the 9 months of pregnancy are an ordeal for your body, and you must not weaken.

Follow the example of the excellent Mediterranean or Cretan diet. However, you should cook your fish and meat thoroughly and wash your vegetables carefully to avoid the risk of parasites.

No stress!

Stress does not only manifest itself in a degraded psyche: it is also a sum of physical manifestations that prove to be harmful to fertility. Your hormonal secretions can be modified by stress and your ovulation disturbed.

It is not always easy to fight when faced with the stress of everyday life and wanting a child, and trying to conceive. Take some time for yourself and, if necessary, use relaxation techniques such as yoga or sophrology.

4. Find out what you need to do to prepare for your pregnancy


It would help to do several things as soon as you become pregnant or even after your pregnancy is confirmed. Below you’ll find a list of three things to do, but that’s not the only things to do. 

Advice: Sit down and list your things to do. You should find out now so that you have the dates in mind.

4.1 Declaring your pregnancy

The declaration of pregnancy must be made during the first trimester of pregnancy. It follows the appointment with the gynecologist and the first ultrasound. This document includes a section for your health insurance fund.

4.2 Registration at the maternity hospital

At the time of the birth, the urgency obliges the establishments to deliver you. However, it is preferable to register at the maternity hospital well in advance. Especially if you live in regions where the maternity service is tight, you should register as soon as possible: as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed.

4.3 Childcare

Future parents often overrun nannies and daycare centers. Don’t wait until the last moment to think about it and look for a place for your future child.

Hope this post has shed some light on preparing for a pregnancy. Please, do not hesitate to add more ideas in the comments below.


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